
04/19 Panel discussion on Art, Fashion and Representation during Contemprary Muslim Fashions at Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt

04/19 Panel discussion on Fashion and Intersectionality of Race, Gender and Class during Contemprary Muslim Fashions at Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt


12/17 Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Frederek Musall and artist Muhammet Ali Bas on the role of the arts in discourses about social and cultural representation at Jüdisch-Muslimische Kulturtage Heidelberg, 12.12.17


05/17 Artist talk during group show "Atelier Identity" at Heinrich Böll Stiftung with Illustrator and Visual Artist Moshtari Hilal, Illustrator Zeinab Aghamehdi and Novelist Senthuran Varatharajah, Berlin

03/17 Artist talk with writer and interdisciplinary artist Grada Kilomba & artist and Illustrator Moshtari Hilal at KOSMOS² at Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin

Lectures & talks

12/17 Talk on art practice and cultural representation during Jüdisch-Muslimische Kulturtage Heidelberg, 12.12.17

11/17 - 02/18 Lecturer on Art History and Visual Culture of the MENA Region at Westfälische-Universität Münster

11/16 - 02/17 Guest lecturer Art History and Visual Culture of the MENA Region at Westfälische-Universität Münster

10/16 Panel discussion during AusARTen Festival Munich

11/14 SchauHin Storysalon zum Thema Alltagsrassismus - Forum an der Piusallee KatHo Münster


04.-10.03.18 Nachbild Kollektiv did a collaboration with q[lit]*clgn - Germany's first Feminist Literature Festival in Cologne. Part of the collaboration was Art Direction and an exhibition.

Workshops (selection)

„Kreative Potenziale visueller Kultur“, Workshop in Zusammenarbeit mit Dialogperspektiven, Stockholm

06/17 - 10/17
„Trafo Lab“ Schul- und Ferienworkshops für Jugendliche und Erwachsene, im Rahmen der Skulptur Projekte Münster 2017, Münster

„Formen und Funktionen visueller Gestaltung im Netz“, Workshop mit Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 10.-11. Februar

10 Workshop days as one of 8 participants for Koki Tanaka's Provisional Studies #7 "How to Live Together" - First shown at Skulptur Projekte Münster 2017 and since 2018 part of the permanent contemporary art collection of the LWL Museum for Art and Culture Münster

"Untold Face Stories" Workshop Illustration an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 28.-29. Mai 2016, Münster
